Annual Meeting - UPDATE
Catherine McGowan was elected as Churchwarden.
The following people are now members of the PCC:
Jimmy Anderson
Andrew Cooper
Hatty Crabtree
Ruth Hayes
David Horridge
Heather Hylton
Dan Jakob
Ruth Mawhinney
Tim McDowall
Beatrice Monney and David Wilson continue as Deanery Synod representatives.
Our APCM (annual parochial church meeting) will take place on 18 April and will be an opportunity to reflect on the past year, as well as vote for churchwardens and the PCC for the year to come.
Please ensure that you are on the Electoral Roll, so you can vote in the meeting. If you are not already on the roll, you can join it by emailing
The meeting will take place at 4pm and will be both in church and on Zoom.