Carved wooden Jesus on a cross

A Rule of Life is a pattern to follow for daily living. Some of us at St George’s are experimenting with adopting the following practices. All are welcome to share in this experience.

In summary

  • We commit to love and encourage one another, in kindness and grace, without judgement, in our shared desire to follow the way of Jesus

  • We meet together monthly, when possible, for silent prayer and reviewing how our practices are shaping us

  • We begin and end the day in prayer

  • We read the Scriptures daily

  • We practice silence together and apart

  • We are intentional in celebrating the Sabbath

Prayer to start the day

My Lord and my God,

At the start of this new day

I put myself in your presence.

I firmly believe that you see me, you hear me, and you love me.

I adore you with profound reverence.

I ask you now to bless all of my plans, activities and encounters, especially (…)

I trust that by your Spirit you will strengthen me,

So that at the day’s end I may place your own harvest before you.

Loving Jesus, I ask this for your Name’s sake.


Reading the Scriptures

We read the Scriptures every day, in a way that is manageable and sustainable for each person, whether that’s reading one Bible verse; a Psalm every day; a story in the Gospel; the Scriptures allocated for Anglican Morning/Evening Prayer; the Bible in a year. We allow these Spirit-filled words to dwell in us, challenge us and shape us.

Prayer to end the day

We practice the examen daily, reviewing our day with God. For example:

Consolations: When did I experience the presence of God today? What gifts did I receive? What am I thankful for?

Desolations: Where did I sense an absence of God? Is there anything for which I want to seek God’s forgiveness?

Looking towards tomorrow, I invite Jesus to be with me in everything that day holds.


We believe that God meets us in a special way when we are silent and still. When we meet as a community we will hold silence together. In our own lives, we will increase our practice of silence.


We acknowledge our need for Sabbath. We commit to time each week when we will disconnect from our devices. We take a whole day without engaging in our usual labours, entrusting our work to God. We will identify what helps us to be free children of God and spend time in rest and joyful celebration.

To find out more, please contact Alexandra.