Lent Appeal

This Lent, we’re supporting the Diocese of London’s appeal to raise awareness about and funds for victims of Modern Day Slavery. The appeal supports the work of five partner charities, as well as the Diocese’s own work of supporting churches in their response to slavery.

Bishop Sarah writes:

In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, in a capital city heralded for its history and culture, modern slavery is thriving. Thousands are forced into domestic servitude, forced labour or sexual exploitation in plain sight of Londoners, and many more are at risk of falling through the cracks, hidden from the view of the authorities, charities and the church. Behind those statistics there are real people. Whether it be a woman or girl trafficked to work in the illegal sex trade, a man forced to work on a construction site or a child married against their will, none are free.

This Lent we have an opportunity to make a difference to the lives of those vulnerable to being enslaved and those rescued from slavery. There’ll be an opportunity to give through the collection bucket in church each Sunday - or you can give directly to the appeal here: https://www.london.anglican.org/mission/lentappeal.

Alexandra Lilley