Giving Sunday

But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. (1 Chronicles 29:14)

It’s a commonly held belief that local churches receive money to sustain their staff, building and activities from some big central Church of England pot of money - but sadly that’s not the case!

At St George’s Tufnell Park, our budget for this year is £147,000 and this is raised locally, through hiring out the building, applying for grants and, crucially, through the giving from those who worship here.

Giving is one way in which we grow in faith, as we put our trust in a generous God, who won’t let us down. Giving helps us too to be free from the power that money can hold over us. We truly are blessed more when we give, than when we receive.

If you would like to start to support the work of St George’s and enable us to continue to run Sunday services, Messy Church, Tufnell Tots and all the community events we put on - as well as provide some upkeep to the building - please consider setting up a Standing Order with us. Or if you already give, then maybe now is a good time to review whether you might be able to increase your giving. All the info you need is here.

A big THANK YOU to all who give towards the work here - it is hugely appreciated.

Alexandra Lilley