Prayer: WhatsApp, Wednesdays and Walking
During the Autumn, we will be praying together daily, morning and evening, in our different contexts, via our church WhatsApp group. We’ll be cycling through different ways of praying on a four week basis, including the popular Ignatian Pray As You Go; Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals; and the Daily Office from the Northumbria Community. Please join in when you can, and feel free to share any of your own reflections in the group. If you are not already on the WhatsApp group, please email your mobile number to Alexandra.
You are also warmly invited to join Alexandra for Morning Prayer in the Prayer Chapel 8-8.30am on Wednesdays.
On the second Friday of the month, you are welcome to join Alexandra and Debbie for an hour of prayer walking around the parish - meet outside church at 7.30am.