God is Not a White Man
What does it mean when God is presented as male?
What does it mean when – from our internal assumptions to our shared cultural imaginings – God is presented as white?
These are the urgent questions Chine McDonald asks in a searing look at her experience of being a Black woman in the white-majority space that is the UK church – a church that is being abandoned by Black women no longer able to grin and bear its casual racism, colonialist narratives and lack of urgency on issues of racial justice.
On Monday 11 October, 7-8.30pm, we are holding a joint event at St Luke’s West Holloway, with the author, Chine McDonald. Chine will share some of her insights and respond to a Q&A on how the Church is called both to lament and repair its failures, and build a future founded on justice.
The event is free, but ticketed, and you can book these here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/st-george-and-all-saints-tufnell-park-27844259935
You can purchase God is Not a White Man here: https://uk.bookshop.org/books/god-is-not-a-white-man-and-other-revelations/9781529349078
Chine McDonald is head of public engagement at Christian Aid. Prior to that, she led the media & PR team there and before that led in fundraising and communications roles in other faith-based charities. She read theology & religious studies at Cambridge University before training as a newspaper journalist and over the years has written for several newspapers including the Guardian, Independent, the Times, the Daily Mirror and the Big Issue. Chine is a regular contributor to BBC Religion & Ethics programmes, including Thought for the Day on Radio 4’s Today programme, the Daily Service, Pause for Thought and Prayer for the Day. She also sits on a number of charity boards, including Greenbelt Festival and Christians in Media. Chine regularly speaks and writes on issues of race and faith. Her second book God Is Not a White Man & Other Revelations was published by Hodder & Stoughton in May 2021. Her first book – Am I Beautiful? – explored body image among Christian women.