Faith, Grief and Covid

We are all experiencing a measure of grief as we enter into another lockdown. Whether we have directly lost a friend or family member to Covid 19, or we are grieving the loss of our old lives, or even our sense of self that has been eroded by the inability to live as we would choose, we are grappling with forms of grief.

The Faith, Grief and Covid course is four sessions, each an hour long, that help us to explore these feelings and make sense of them, in the presence of God, through short films, prayer, reflection, art, poetry and music.

The course is provided by Sanctuary Mental Health and an introductory short video gives a flavour of what’s involved:

The first session will be on Wednesday 13 January at 8pm on Zoom, and we’ll meet the following three Wednesdays too. Please email Alexandra ( for the Zoom link.

All are warmly welcome.

Alexandra Lilley