Night Shelter
At St George's we are very excited to join with the CARIS Islington night shelter programme for the first time this year.
We will be hosting 15 guests for a week, 1-7 April, offering an extra week of shelter for those involved.
If you would like to get involved in this, we are in need of volunteers, please do sign up here:
We also need to fund the week - for more information and to donate, please head here:
A little bit more about volunteering for the night shelter.
Volunteers for the evening shift will arrive at around 6pm for a briefing and to make sure the beds are set up and that everything is ready. Each night we will welcome our guests at 7.30pm, provide a hot meal at 8pm and be around to hang out, play games and socialise. One of the key roles is preparing dinner for the guests and volunteers (around 20 people) which can be done either at home or in the church kitchen.
The night shift starts at 10pm and runs through 6.30am. We will have two people on shift, ensuring one person is awake at any time, being on hand for the guests throughout the night, and making sure that everyone is safe and secure.
The morning shift is 6.30-9am. This includes waking the guests and making and serving breakfast, as well as ensuring that everyone who wants a shower gets one, and are able to leave the church safely.