Giving Sundays

On 23 and 30 July, we're holding Giving Sundays, thinking about our financial giving to the church, as well as the time and gifts we can offer. We do this not out of guilt or obligation, but in response to the generosity of God.  

The parish of St George & All Saints is around 12,000 people, from all walks of life. We have lots of new opportunities emerging to serve this parish.

Giving financially does not just enable the church to function – it’s good for the giver too! Giving – whether big or small amounts – helps to free us as we seek to follow Jesus.

Our annual expenditure is just under £100,000.

There are three areas currently where your giving will make a big difference:


We have begun some new initiatives this past term, including Tufnell Tots and London Unemployment Strategies. We would like to expand our outreach in the autumn term, with a community audit and community events.


As we pause on redeveloping, there is substantial need for deep cleaning and redecorating parts of the building, including the currently closed prayer chapel, crèche and kitchen. Maintenance is also needed to the exterior.


This covers the cost of having a vicar, as well as support from the diocese and paying for new priests to train. Our Common Fund contribution is currently heavily subsidised by other churches and it would be great to work towards paying our full cost.

We will shortly have a Giving page set up on the website, but in the meantime, for details of how to give, please email 

THANK YOU to all who give to St George’s – your contribution is hugely valued and makes a difference to the ministry and mission here in Tufnell Park. 


Alexandra Lilley